1. Double or Die limited edition hardback released in Germany

    By Devin Zydel on 2009-07-18
    Original 'Double or Die (GoldenBoy)' Edition

    Original Double or Die (GoldenBoy) Edition

    A special hardback edition of Charlie Higson’s third Young James Bond novel, Double or Die, has been released in Germany.

    The Young Bond Dossier reports that this special edition of the book from publisher Arena Verlag, titled GoldenBoy, is limited to 10,000 copies.

    Higson’s third Young Bond adventure was originally released as a paperback alongside the UK release back in January 2007. This new edition follows the recent hardback releases of both SilverFin and By Royal Command.

    Young Bond fans can now order the GoldenBoy hardback from, where it retails for 14.95 €:

    Keep you eyes on the main page for all the latest Young Bond coverage.