1. Purvis & Wade Back For Bond 21

    By Athena Stamos on 2004-03-09

    Robert Wade & Neal Purvis, the screenwriters who brought us The World Is Not Enough and Die Another Day, will as well be writing for Bond 21.

    Last night, March 8, at the Orange Screenwriters Seminar at the British Library in London the duo talked about writing for Bond…

    PURVIS: “We started writing the new one two weeks ago – so obviously all the cliches are already in place. As far as we understand it, Pierce Brosnan is Bond. He’s a great Bond and he gives you a lot to work with as a writer because he’s very good looking. Seriously, he is very good at suggesting an undercurrent of – you don’t know what. He shows that there is a shadow on this man.”

    WADE: “I don’t think there’s a more difficult task, it’s all been done. The twentieth film was harder than the nineteenth. It’s very difficult to think of new ways to blow things up! But character is the thing; it’s finding new ways to explore the character.”

    The information about Brosnan being back, however, differs from information given to Commanderbond.Net recently. They also commented on the failed Jinx movie…

    PURVIS: “We spent two months with Stephen Frears on it and it’s all down to the studio. Halle Berry was very happy, Stephen and the producers were happy and we were happy – but the studio didn’t want to make it. It was going to cost $80-90 million and Charlie’s Angels and Tomb Raider hadn’t done well, so they didn’t want to risk it.”

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    Thanks to thuffner, level007, &