1. Pierce Brosnan On The 'The Matador' And James Bond

    By Devin Zydel on 2006-08-01

    Pierce Brosnan, who starred most recently in The Matador (which saw DVD release in the US in July) spoke to Entertainment Wise about his movie roles, including James Bond.

    He played one of the biggest movie icons in four hugely successful films, but in his latest film, a black comedy called ‘The Matador’, he plays a hitman who has really hit the skids.

    “I think that all the films I’ve ever made are personal, even James Bond, because it’s so much of myself, so much of who I am as a man and as an actor. You have to invest yourself in every character that you portray’.


    “There was only one Bond for me, and it was Sean Connery. That made the role daunting.”


    “Bond is an enigma. He’s smooth and bigger than life, but he’s vague as a personality. It’s a little like doing a period piece. Look, I’m thankful, the role made me an international star. I’ve been in the backwaters of Papua New Guinea and heard, ‘Hey, Bond.'”

    Entertainment Wise

    Stay tuned to CBn for all the latest news on Casino Royale and all things James Bond 007.