1. First Details of Young Bond Books 2, 3, and 4 Revealed

    By johncox on 2005-02-23

    In a forthcoming CBn Interview, SilverFin author Charlie Higson has revealed the first details about his second Young Bond adventure (due in January 2006), as well as details of Books 3 and 4!

    The second book takes place largely in Sardinia and involves bandits, art theft and people smuggling. My working title was ‘Double M’, but don’t expect it to be called this when it comes out.

    Book three will take place largely in the darker corners of London. Book four will be set in the Alps and book five in outer space (only joking).

    – Charlie Higson

    Watch for CBn’s exclusive in-depth interview with Charlie Higson coming soon!

    UPDATE: Read the full Charlie Higson CBn Interview HERE.