1. Details On Trailer Differences

    By daniel on 2002-10-08

    As with the second teaser trailer, the international Die Another Day trailer has several differences to the United States version of the trailer.

    ‘C. Tounes’ caught the trailer at a screening of Signs recently and noted that the 12A rated trailer differed in the two following aspects;

    • When Jinx is saying ‘I got the thrust of it’ she and Bond are shown ‘in the act’, whereas, the US trailer shows a Porsche exploding.
    • Included in the trailer is also a two second glimpse of Bond in Graves’ Bio Dome with his Walter P99 in hand.

    As forum member ‘MBE’ has pointed out the sex scene was most likely cut out due to ratings restrictions from the MPAA.

    European news agencies reported last week that the US version of Die Another Day will have several differences from international versions, for instance the sex scenes may have to be cut out, in order for the film to receive a PG-13 rating.

    If you’d like to discuss the news please visit this thread of the Die Another Day Forums.

    Thanks to ‘C. Tounes’ and ‘MBE’ for helping with the article.