1. Cinescape Feature Interview With Lee Tamahori

    By daniel on 2002-07-30

    Cinescape have today featured an interview with Director Lee Tamahori.

    The interview is typical of Lee at the moment, with his explaining how he wants to continue the character along the same line as it has been for the past 40 years. And of course, what would a Lee Tamahori interview be without a reference to girls, gadgets and big action.

    Lee does pose an interesting opinion of GoldenEye though. Of Bond in GoldenEye Lee comments, "instead of a smooth, suave sophisticate, this was now a new MI6, SAS assassin-type Bond."

    If you'd like to discuss the interview please visit this thread of the Die Another Day Forums.

    Thanks to Morton Slumber and 'PerEspe' for alerting us to the article!