1. British Intelligence Equipped With Bond Style 00-Agents…

    By David Winter on 2002-07-25

    The British foreign intelligence agency; SIS (also known as MI6), is to receive a crack squad of James Bond style special agents to help in their efforts to fight global terrorism. This force is be sculpted after the American CIA (central intelligence agency), and is to be built up of agents from both MI5, and SIS, aswell as specialists from the army, SAS (special air service), and various other intelligence units.

    These units will be given a license to kill, to help them undertake the most difficult of missions around the world. In the past MI5, and SIS have left armed operations to the police and SAS, this new force will give extra muscle to both agencies.

    Sources suggest that the new group is to be called; "The Special Operations Department", and follows announcements earlier this year by Chancellor Gordon Brown that intelligence ageencies were to be given an extra £1.1 billion to help them in the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks. Treasury sources have told "The News Of The World" that this money will be used for the "start up" costs of this new group.

    A former SIS agent revealed; "You may be able to bug Slobodan Milosevic's mobile and watch him with a sattelite but that is not enough." Their source went on to say "The SAS have the military skills but what is needed is a department that can combine that ability with intelligence gathering."

    The Special Operations Department are thought to work alongside the CIA in Iraq as one of their first major roles. This new unit shows that the world of James Bond is not so much fantasy as it could one day be factual.