1. Mexican Actor Joins The Cast…

    By David Winter on 2002-03-17

    Yahoo! Argentenia reports that Mexican actor; Emilio Echevarría is set to appear in the 20th James Bond film: Die Another Day.

    Tim Roth from the007generation first reported this news on the forums, and has provided us with the following translation of the most interesting part of the article.

    In the twentieth film of 007 the Mexican actor will interpret a Cuban detective who appears in only two scenes of the film. One of the sequences will roll in London and the other in the Spanish locality of Cadiz

    We have already heard rumours of Bond (or another character) being hospitalized in a high-tech Cuban hospital. With this latest news, it could seem that Bond is interrogated while he is there.

    Thanks again to Tim, who has started this topic in the forums. Head over there now, if you would like to discuss the news.