1. Revealing News On The Character Of Colonel Moon

    By daniel on 2002-06-10

    An outside source has just e-mailed in some very revealing news on the character of Colonel Moon.

    The outside sources tells me that the actor portraying the character " Colonel Moon " has given some very interesting views about the profile of the Korean military colonel – Spoiler Warning (Highlight To Read) notably that the charming Colonel Moon has “more than nine lives”.

    That's a revealing comment which adds a whole new dimension to the character of Colonel Moon.
    Recently in an interview that has appeared on the IFF Yun Lee said that Colonel Moon had a 'Napoleonic-complex'. However, we now Spoiler Warning (Highlight To Read) have the suggestion that we’ll see Colonel Moon die in the film only to find out that he’s still alive later. Moreover, we also now have a suggestion as to where the title Die Another Day has been derived from, as it could be reference to Colonel Moon rather than James Bond.