1. UK & US 'Red Tattoo' Paperback Covers

    By Evan Willnow on 2003-02-26

    Cover art for the paperback version of The Man With The Red Tattoo—the book that may be Raymond Benson’s final James Bond novel—is finally revealed for both the U.S. and U.K. version. The U.S. version’s design continues in the style of Benson’s other paperbacks while the U.K. version gets its design from the U.K. hardback edition.

    The Man With The Red Tattoo U.K. Paperback
    The Man With The Red Tattoo U.K. Paperback.

    The Man With The Red Tattoo U.S. Paperback
    The Man With The Red Tattoo U.S. Paperback.

    The paperback edition of Raymond Benson’s The Man With The Red Tattoo is due for April release by Barnes & Noble. The U.S. mass market paperback will be published by Berkley Publishing Group and retail for US$7.50. The British paperback will be published by Coronet and retail for £6.99.

    Four reviews of The Man With The Red Tattoo are available in’s Literary 007 The Man With The Red Tattoo category.