1. UPDATE: British Intelligence Equipped With Bond Style 00-Agents…

    By David Winter on 2002-07-31

    Previously, reported to you details on a new unit to be assigned to the British intelligence communities. The unit was rumoured to be called the "Special Operations Department" and said to carry a license to kill.

    Since then we have been carrying out more research into the subject and received word from Jon Davis, who tells us that in reality there is already a division set up like this at SIS. It is known as "The Increment" and has been around for quite a while. The new division is infact an expansion of this current unit. He went on to tell us that extra funding for the expansion came after SIS (Special Intelligence Service) bosses asked for more money in their efforts to fight global terrorism.

    The work of the Increment is kept very secretive – as you'd expect for work of its nature, and it is very rarely mentioned to the public. It has always been denied to the public but now for the first time, SIS officers have confirmed its existence, claiming; "It is made up of special forces personnel under the responsibility of the Ministry of Defence. We have a call on their time when we need it."

    Yet again, this goes to show that a 00-section's like the Increment DO exist, and the world of James Bond may not be so far fetch'd as we have always believed. Bond's creator; Ian Fleming once worked in Naval intelligence, its possible that if the Increment has always existed, he could have caught word of this, and based his 00-section on the Increment itself.