1. New Footage from Q's laboratory

    By David Winter on 2002-07-19

    German TV station RTL has again published a report about the shooting of Die Another Day.

    It's mainly about the new Quartermaster who is played by former Monty Python star John Cleese, who replaces Desmond Llewelyn, who played 'Q' in 17 of 19 James Bond films, and died in December 1999.

    It's finally confirmed, Cleese's role name will be 'Q', not 'R' any longer.

    Spoiler Warning (Highlight To Read)

    The report starts with Q and Bond in Q’s laboratory inside the MI6 headquartes. You can shortly see a clapper board, where’s written; “Bond 20, Scene 160A”. That means that we’ll see Bond and Q in the middle of the film, as it is said in the official press release (-> “Bond will head to North Korea, Hong Kong, Cuba, London and Iceland”).

    The report goes on with some footage from The World is not enough. The speaker explains to the audience that Desmond Llewelyn died in a car crash two years ago and that Cleese will replace Llewelyn. Pierce Brosnan appears, explaining that ‘R’ is difficult to pronounce for Irishmen.

    After that we see Bond and Q entering the secret subway station of London’s MI6. You can see a short overview about that lab, then you see Bond and Q with the Aston Martin. Bond clicks on a button and machine guns appear.

    The report continues with Bond giving a gun to Q. Q fires onto an aim, which is invisble for the audience.

    Cleese Interview. The new Q says, “I despise technology!” and well, that’s what he has in common with Desmon Llewelyn..

    The rest of the report is footage taken from the official "Making of" video, which was released earlier this year.

    You can watch the footage online on the website of German television station RTL. For anyone who doesn't speak German, you see the big headline "TECHNIK-MUFFEL". Click on the image on the left, and you'll be able to see the footage.

    Thanks to forum user 'John007' and 'MBE' for the tip-off, please head to this thread in the Die Another Day Forums to discuss the new footage!