1. Spy Report: Accessing The Underground

    By daniel on 2002-04-16

    Over the past few days CommanderBond.Net has managed to uncover some great details on the MI6 Secret Underground Station. Well one of our sources, Mr Potato Head, has just checked in with some details on how staff of MI6 can gain entrance to the station, however, Mr Potato Head is being quite elusive so we may need your help!

    There is no major plot information in the following spy report so I'm sure most people will read it, however, for those who are completely spoiler conscious we've hidden the text.

    Spoiler Warning (Highlight To Read)

    While I don’t believe we’ll see how M or Q will enter the underground station Mr Potato Head tells us that we will see Bond enter the station.

    Originally the script called for Bond to enter the area from another London Underground Station, an operational one. However, this concept was changed to have Bond enter the station in a more Bond-ish way. Bond will enter the station from a well known “public landmark / structure”.

    So what is the structure?

    Hopefully someone will be able to help us figure it out. If you think you know, or would like to discuss any of the news, please visit this thread in the Die Another Day Forums!

    When we find out the structure, you can be sure that we'll let you know!

    Finally, thanks to Mr Potato Head for sending in that information!